Hola a todos:
Os dejo aquí el mensaje que nos envió Tricia la madre de Karina.
Hola Nelly, Domingo, and Nelly Jr
Karina was so touched by the bracelet the girls gave her! It is so beautiful! She showed me the bracelet on skype. She is so sad to leave! She will miss the girls and her coaches so much – words can’t begin to describe how special they are to her! She carries back to Austin a lifetime of wonderful memories! Unfortunately, she may have to miss some of the practices this week and possibly her last game because she has to study for the DELE Spanish exams and AP Spanish Literature exam. She feels very badly if she misses any but she may need the time to study. Let’s stay in touch. We would love to hear how everyone is doing. Karina plans to come back next June to Zaragoza to see everyone. I hope to also. Please know that you and the rest of the team and their families have a home in Austin! We would love for you to come visit! Here is a picture of Karina and her younger sister, Alexandra, in San Sebastian. What a beautiful country Spain is! You are so lucky...I wished we lived in Spain!
Tricia, Virgilio (Karina’s dad), and Alexandra (Karina’s younger sister.

1 comentario:
Thanks TRICIA, It has been a pleasure to know yourself.
by Martinez's family.
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